Context ~ A Lokeil short


“Wait wait wait. So you mean to tell me that you Ezekiel, an Angel, slept with London, a human?!”

“Yes, that is correct Michael. Last night I slept with London.” Michael looked incredulous, her mouth slightly agape as she looked at this young angel. Ezekiel looked back at her, eyebrows slightly raised, his face just as expressionless as if they were talking about the weather on Seteri after a good rain.

The Archangel wasn’t sure if she was impressed, amused or mildly ‘grossed out’. She pondered this last bit, a flash of satisfaction as she double checked her mental usage of the slang, her mental self giving an assured nod of approval. She was sure John would also approve, if he was here. But he wasn’t, and she wondered what mischief her noodle human, her friend, was getting into without her.

Who was she to judge who he chose as a companion. Her main concern was that London did not damage the understanding for humanity he was attempting to foster. Hopefully to grow into something as deep and abiding as Lucifer’s himself. The last thing she wanted was the young soldier to resent the entirety of humanity because of a crush. That and humans just didn’t live that long, even with Heven sent technology, they lived at best a few hundred years and only got more frail and infirm as time went on until they eventually died.

“I can’t believe you had sex with a human. It’s just so…” A slight flutter of his wings caused her to pause, as the junior angel shifted his gaze to look directly at Michael for a second. “We did not have sex, Archangel.” He stood even straighter than usual if possible, his spine ramrod straight, but the movement of his wings gave away his discomfort with her assumption. “London decided that we were going to have a ‘stay at home date’. So we stayed at her domicile and watched several movies. She made some rather delectable, and spicy, curry. And samosas I think they were called. Very flavorful. Potatoes and chickpeas. Even the rice was infused with fragrance and spice. Needless to say it was all quite delicious. But about the third movie in, she fell asleep. I carried her to her sleeping area and lay her down. As I was getting up to leave, she grabbed my wrist and mumbled something about staying. She apparently struggles with.. night terrors.. bad dreams? My leaving seemed to distress her, so I lay down and cradled her as she slept. It was” He struggled to find the right word. “..Nice. I have decided I rather enjoy ‘cuddling’.” A quiet exhalation through his nose signaled the end of his report, the faintest flush gracing the tips of his ears. Michael tried not to smile as she nodded and walked swiftly away, strangely proud of him in that moment.

Watching her stride away, Ezekiel relaxed marginally. He tilted his head in quiet thought for several moments before nodding decisively. “Yes. I like it.”

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