

“You don’t have to keep doing this you know. I’m sure you have important Angel things you need to be doing. Saving souls, smiting the good smite, all that. What DO angels do in their free time anyway? Do you even get time off? How does that work?” The water was cool, as she gently kicked her feet beneath the surface. London tilted her head back to look at deepening gold streams melting into pinks and purples across an indigo sky. Cicada kept up an unrelenting susurration of sound that undulated with the wind.


She hadn’t told anyone else what her plans were before walking through the portal to Earth Prime. Not even Ezekiel. She had also specifically asked for her information to be kept on a strictly need to know basis.

He appeared on her balcony with a bouquet of Tiger Lilies and Baby’s Breath, her favorite. She hadn’t actually expected him to show up at all. They had been on Prime Earth for about a month when she happened to look out on to her balcony and see an eight foot angel standing there. She did what most normal humans would do. She yelped in a rather undignified manner, dropped her bowl of popcorn all over the floor and swore when she realized who it was. Considering she lived a few hundred feet above impenetrable jungle miles away from the nearest city, she hadn’t been expecting visitors. It was the reason she had chosen to have her residence placed where it was.

He apologized for being late with a slight bow that would have been awkward on anyone else. Ezekiel even offered to clean up the mess if she wanted to dress for their first date. Ever since that evening, every Saturday exactly at 7pm he would appear on her balcony with the same bouquet and a slight smile.


“Oh you know, I accumulated some time off while I was on that space station. Who knew Angelic PTO was even a thing, let alone a thing that crossed dimensions.” Ezekiel grinned up at her, his hands leaving damp marks on the warm slats. She had been watching him swim around, his wings surprisingly didn’t slow him down in the slightest. After a dozen laps or so he rested his head on her thigh, limpid eyes gleaming as he studied her face, smile fading slightly at the lack of her usual sass. London let herself fixate on his wings, several droplets of water catching the light and turning it into sparkling rainbows as they raced down to rejoin the pool water. Muscles flexed beneath skin as he lifted himself partially from the water until they were face to face. “London, may I ask you a question?” She nodded her response, refusing to look at him until he settled himself, wings tight against his back. “You just did.”

He refused to get distracted this time. Setting his feet on the pool floor he cupped her face in his palms and looked her in the eye. When he was sure he had her full attention he brushed a thumb across her cheek, enjoying the warming flush that gave away her feelings. “London..” Eyes rolled skyward, a soft huff her only admission of defeat before her gaze locked on his. “Fine, ask me anything you desire.” “May I kiss you?” He tried not to smirk as she froze. It was almost as if he could see the words processing in her brain, her pupils blowing wide as her breath hitched in her chest. Sliding his thumb down to stroke the softness of her cheek, Ezekiel leaned forward. The gentle pressure of his fingers opening her mouth slightly. His wings shifted as he waited. His mouth hovered millimeters from her lips, their breath mingling in the quiet of the early evening.

“Is that even legal? Kissing an Angel?” It was almost inaudible, but he heard it nonetheless. It wasn’t a no, but he had started to think he had misread her nonverbal cues, her absent minded lip biting and lingering almost appraising glances when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. Carefully he slid between her knees, one hand tilting her face towards his, the other still resting against the deck. “Only if you get consent first..” the softest brush of his lips as the words were whispered against hers. “..Is that a yes?” Slight nod and a soft sigh before closing the gap to press her mouth to his.

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