That Cookie Life


They had been watching movies all day, the soft pattering of the rain against the roof and windows a comforting background noise. Occasionally there’d be the untangling of limbs for various reasons, mostly snack refreshment. The latest visual offering was a classic. There was singing and angst, and organ transplants as a fashion statement. Ezekiel was engrossed as usual, and while it was one of her favorites from the 21st century London was distracted.

She had been watching him inhale Oreos. He was halfway through decimating his fourth family size pack, this one was kiwi flavored blondies. Her throat convulsed a bit as she watched his hand lift another pair of the cream colored biscuits with a layer of neon green filling to his lips and eat them. It wasn’t as if she didn’t delight in their food adventures, but she had never seen him as happy as when he had a bowl of those little sandwich cookies in front of him.

He shifted position on the couch, arm slung across the back, wings twitching slightly as he ate. Each bite he took, golden eyes sank closed, eyebrows rose and a blissed out smile pulled at his mouth as he chewed. She couldn’t help but grin, as she brought him a fresh glass of almond milk. Leaning over the back of the couch, she pressed a kiss to his temple to soften her words, “No more cookies today, how are you not sick?”

He always smelled of sunshine, honey and something she could never quite pin down. She lingered with her nose in his hair for a moment longer. The raven haired man leaned towards, moving long enough to brush a kiss across the pulsing column of her throat before shoving a few more cookings in his mouth with a  snort of amusement, the movie forgotten for the moment. “Not my fault they’re amazing. If you didn’t want me to eat so many, why do you have an entire cabinet shelf full of them?” was the mumbled counter as yet another pair of cookies fell to his voracious appetite.

She shrugged, running her fingers through his hair, letting her fingertips graze the shell of his ear before clambering over the couch and back into the crook of his arm. “I don’t know, you like them and there were a lot of flavors. I didn’t know you wanted to eat all sixteen packs today.” She opened her package of gummy dinosaurs and fished out a stegosaur. Looking at it critically for a moment she quickly bit it in half and chewed with a contented hum. “This is the best date ever.” He stopped chewing for a moment to look at her with a smile,“But London, you say that about every date we’ve had.” “Not all of them.” “Yes, all of them, even the Belgium one, because we ended up getting schnitzel and fries. Oh and the waffles and beer. AND the hand made chocolates.” “London nodded, popping another colorful dinosaur into her mouth and chewing thoughtfully. “Best date ever.”


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