Dream Run


The dreams where Take was running were some of her favorites, and this one was no different. The dreamscape flew by as a muted twilit blur of soft purples and navy smears against a lavender sky obscured by branches and trees. Dim beams of dying light would occasionally wind through gaps in the canopy, her inky black fur a flash of darkness in the crepuscular gloom. Her paws were silent as she sprinted easily through the moss and leaf litter that covered the ground. Silver bright eyes barely open as she slipped from one shadow to the next. Pausing for a moment the Direwolf form she preferred slowed and eventually stopped. Panting softly she took in the silence and beauty of the moment, the rough thumping of her heart dropped to a persistent tattoo against her ribs.

Nosing gently through the mouldering foliage at her feet, a soft breeze wafted various scents past her nose. Flowers, and the sea breeze were the most prevalent at this time and beneath something sharp that pulled her attention away from the week old scent of rabbit. Lifting her head, the Druid closed her eyes, ears canted forward as she focused. Pausing for the slightest of seconds, she took off at a sprint, leaving nothing in her wake but a memory of her passage.

She shifted with ease through various forms, at times a large wolf, others, an owl gliding silently through the lower boughs of the ancient forest environs and even, because it pleased her a small kinkajou wearing a bright blue vest as she clambered through a particularly dense patch of brambles. Somewhere along her flight, the line between dreams and reality blurred but the druid godling accepted that knowledge, letting her dream self continue its mad dash through the lucid dreamscape. Eventually she reached her goal, a small ruin of a building, slowly being reclaimed by the forest. The smell grew stronger as she approached. There was blood scattered in swathes across the walls and grounds, humanoid, with the metallic tang that tickled her nose and gave her an itch in the back of her mind to heal. The scent was demonic, sulfuric and cloying in places, pulling a canine sneeze from her as she passed a slowly deepening puddle. The black fluid shimmered menacingly as it slowly ate away at the creeping vines and stone beneath. She gave it as wide a berth as she could as she pressed on.

The din of her blood rushing slowly faded, allowing her to hear a soft, reedy voice mumbling..chanting softly in the darkness. Slowly she crept forward, keeping close enough to see as she edged around the broken wall. There was the weakest of light, a small stubby ring of candles lay amid the broken paving stones of the exposed room. Propped up in the corner was the corpse of.. something. Obviously not from this plane by the smell and by the sizzle of leaking fluids exuding from various wounds covering its corpse.

It was child’s play for her to pick the slim form from the shadows in one corner, covered in blood soaked rags. The glint of a ruby coated blade mesmerized her for a second a single syrupy gem fell from its tip to splash softly into a growing puddle on the floor. The massive wolf poured from the shadows to step into the small circle of candlelight, her tongue hanging out of her muzzle as her tail wagged a few times. She heard the candle fall onto its side and turned to watch it roll in a slow circle as a soft ‘Oops’ escaped her. Usually it wouldn’t matter, but Take wasn’t quite used to having the ability to speak while in her beast lord form. Turning her head to look at the muttering humanoid, she whispered a soft “I..I think I ruined your spell. Hi, I’m Take. You look tired. is everything okay here?” Swirled silver and gold eyes locked with dark ringed frightened eyes with a wolfish grin for a few moments.

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