Company B…


The entire room was in chaos, shrieks and laughter echoed off the front row of bunk-beds that filled the back half of the large bay. Each looked identical to the next, lined up like the future soldiers of the Angelic Host that filled the front half of the room. Each child looked to be between the ages of eight and ten years of age and dressed in the same grey leotard with white short toga. It could have been any classroom on any world filled with humanoids. Except for the wings. And these kids were almost as tall as London.

They’re taller than I expected. Almost as tall as I am.” Ezekiel placed his hand gently on the human’s shoulder as she peered through the double doors. The Angel leaned slightly to one side as a softball sized object flew through the opened door, missing his head by inches.

“Take no offense, but they are far more dangerous than you. Juveniles are half feral at the best of times. Helps build group loyalty as they age. But for now, we are just here to make sure they don’t kill each other, nothing more.” The pair continued to observe the cadets of Company Bravo unnoticed by the rowdy group for several minutes before the cacophonous noise subsides as the juvenile angels take notice and stop to stare at the open doors.

Suddenly the room is silent except the sounds of naked feet as the kids line up in a platoon formation. Absently counting roughly forty-five children, London shakes her head and sighs. “Two days right? Just two days?”

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