Ezekiel Headcanons for Funsies Pt. 1

  • Ezekiel loves that London gave him a nickname. He never had one before and happily admits that it gave him warm and fuzzy feelings when she used it the first time. And every time after.
  • He’s actually a really good cook, but is nervous to cook for London fear of ruining the dish. He doesn’t want to disappoint her.
  • Simply ADORES the fact London is so much smaller than him. It brings out and satisfies something in his naturally protective nature.
  • Loves cuddles, often balls himself around London and buries his face in either her neck or hair
  • He really loves Oreo cookies. Will eat them until he is literally sick. He likes them so much. London has learned she cannot stock them in advance because he will eat every single one no matter how many there are.
  • Is secretly sort of pleased that London doesn’t have nightmares when he’s around. It makes him feel a bit special.
  • He loves nothing more than watching London sleep, and will pull all her blankets away and drapes his wing across her instead.
  • Once had a reputation of spending far too much time in the healing temples for “reasons”. It has been alluded that his appetites borders on voracious at times.
  • If London offers to help care for his wings, he literally melts and had to hold pillows because of his physical reactions. While not particularly extra sensitive, he hasn’t really had anyone care for them since he was a small child. So it’s an intimate action for him and he loves the feel of her hands preening his feathers
  • He totally has a case of hero worship when it comes to Lucifer for his tactical prowess and Michael for her martial genius. And has gotten into several altercations that had gotten the attention of older Angels before he was sent to the space station.
  • Has never had a pet companion and is interested in caring for one some time in the future.
  • He loves spending time at London’s place for a few reasons, including he never bothered to get a personal abode here or on Heven. He stays in the soldiers barracks when he has to stay on Heven or in SVT-DC barracks when he’s not at her place on Earth.
  • When London is asleep, if he isn’t, he will hum quietly and stroke a fingertip along her cheek.
  • Especially if he can tell she’s dreaming. He often sings her Enochian lullabies and love songs when she’s not awake
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