
Inspired by: Flesh and Bone by Black Math Link Below


It had been at least fifteen minutes since it started.

BAM BAM BAM …. Let.. me.. in….

London still jumped with each quavering demand that accompanied insistent banging on the hatch door, which she could deal with, but the warbling voice of her friend Bea that was both not her voice but was tore at her heart in a way she hadn’t felt since That Night. (No, shut up, look you almost blew yourself up, FOCUS!) She had never felt so helpless, like she had failed the girl who had saved her not even 24 hours ago.


It had been a rough few days. She had talked to Clint a little and decided he wasn’t as dumb as most humans, even if he liked to pretend he was some spacey hippy type. (It was nice to be accepted as she was by her own species occasionally.) Right after he hugged her the shit hit the proverbial oxygen oscillation device. What with the being kidnapped from Clint’s place right after lunch and squished through dimensions without a portal.

BAM BAM BAM …. Let.. me.. in….

That’s not even considering bringing the part where she was held hostage, to watched a soul from her past resurrected seemingly. (And Dio’s subsequent murder. *No.. shut up, that’s not important. He’s alive now and safe with us, me.*)


Then there was her escape on that trashy little glider she had made. (Not gonna lie, that was pretty exhilarating. Almost as fun as flying with Zeke or Kalani. Almost.) Falling through busy traffic who knows how far to land in a pile of trash. What were the odds that they would be unscathed other than a few bruises and she wasn’t sure if those weren’t from the other dimension or this one.

BAM BAM…. Let.. me.. in….

To be fair if Arya hadn’t given her that heads up, London isn’t sure she would be alive right now. And she didn’t know what to think of that. That was at least twice the captive being had helped her in the last week. And considering the whole situation with her arms London wasn’t sure why. Maybe she didn’t want anyone to kill her before she could make her escape. Though if she could slip through cracks was it just her mind? (Small favors huh. Imagine if she was in that cell because she wanted to be, not because she had no choice. Omg shut up! Shutupshutup! Shit.) Was it impossible for her to bring her body with her?

BAM … Let.. ME.. IN..

London sniffled and quickly rubbed her arm across her eyes. Ezekiel would be here soon (Since when did we ever play the damsel? What happened to kickin’ ass and taking names? Now we hide in the walls like mice?) Glancing quickly at Dio she sniffled and tried to ignore the pounding while carefully filled some makeshift vials with approximate measures of various drugs the small robot had procured for her.




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