

It’s one of the names my father would call me to make me pay attention to his message. When he was proud of me. When I graduated high school early. When I got my first and second doctorates. My first nomination for SVT’s special Bio-robotics program. In a dream on this thrice damned planet as a good-bye dream. On one hand, I can count the times he’s called me his blossom. Now I will never hear it again.

It’s a blessing and a warning and I will never hear it again. Not if I’m lucky. My father is dead. Again. Small mercies have allowed me not to bear witness to his demise this time at least. He held out as long as he could I’m sure. Long enough to buy us time, even if he didn’t know that was what he was doing.

London’s father.. MY.. father was an indulgent man when it came to me. He used his desire to spoil me to make me even more goal oriented. Not that failure would negate my reward. How strong was his will to defy Aria for this long? I will NOT let his sacrifice be in vain. I can’t. If I die It will be avenging his death and the death of everyone that horrible monster has destroyed in her madness.

My mother was the one who was strict. The first time I asked for lessons in anything, I was required to build a working robot from scratch. It took me three months but I succeeded. And at the age of eleven, I had my scuba license. As my mother would say, “Only thing you can do with a mad dog is put it down.”
I can’t in good conscience let this animal continue ravaging this world. I will do everything in my power to put this dog down.    For you, Daddy, ET’s mom, D1o and the others.

Om Shanti, daddy. May you finally attain Moksha.

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