It’s me again. Tåke.


Hey Malor, it’s me again. Tåke.

Today was super interesting.  We spent the last couple of days in a pocket dimension of the Shadowlands!  We met an elf who had a little book that was a mimic until we left the shadowlands, then it was a book again. I think she’s gonna be an interesting friend. There were ghost children who weren’t ghosts and super sad elves who were doing bad things. But we managed to talk them out of it without having to kill them. That made me happy. I understand the balance must be kept, but  I got possessed by a ghost when we were clearing out a haunted keep. I bit one that tried to attack me, ghosts don’t taste very good at all. How cool was that!! I got to talk to the ghost. They were the cook and knew culimancy. How cool is that! Food magic is so cool. I never knew it was actually a thing. One day I want to try and learn some and see if magic food is as tasty.
I’m kind of sad they didn’t accept my offer of help but they felt they had to really escape. Zildath says that not everyone wants or appreciates having new friends as much as I do, and not everyone is a friend. I hope they made it to their proper afterlife. They didn’t seem like they were bad, just really lonely and not wanting to be stuck in that boring place. I can’t blame them, nothing was alive and it made me think of winter in the high mountains, when it’s hard to feed an entire pack because there’s no big game. Instead that’s when you dig up small goodies and make sure everyone gets to eat something.

We also saved a dragon! From a dragon! But a bad… well a good dragon that spent too much time in the Shadowlands. That’s what Zildath’s friend told me as I was binding their wounds. They were pretty badly wounded, but between everybody we did manage to save them and release the other dragon from shadows? I don’t know. Everyone says its complicated.

I don’t know if I would be your protégé or disciple or what. But I wanted to thank you again for making me a werewolf. Nethrali says I should always say thank you for things you appreciate. Did you try the muffins I left? If you ever get lonely, you can always visit my demi-plane.
I’m sure nobody would mind and if they do, just tell them you’re my friend! I’m glad we were able to become friends, even if it was only after we killed you to save you.

 But I have to go, it’s bedtime and I have third shift. I’ll talk to you later ok? I don’t want you to be too lonely up there all alone. If you ever want to talk, you can talk to me okay? Okay. Bye!

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