Prayer to Stronmaus


Hey Sky Daddy,

It’s me, Your girl Tåke.

I don’t usually pray to you because you know, I’m sure being the Storm Lord of the Giants is super busy work.

I just wanted to say hi and introduce myself because I think it’s important since I’m trying to learn how to properly fly. It’s always better to give respects to the Gods of the overall domain that you want to hang out in I always say. I don’t know a lot about you but I figured you wouldn’t mind a prayer that isn’t exactly asking for favors or whatever.

So yeah, I’m Tåke, nobody important just a little druid. I recently learned new forms and one of them is a giant barn owl! Barn Owls are so pretty! I can’t quite fly so I spent all night walking around the small village I was in last night hooting. It was quite fun actually. Owls have much longer legs than people think. I found a book of nature gods and your name was in it so I don’t know a lot about you yet but I promise when I find a bigger library I promise I will look into who you are so I know. I also don’t know how you feel about having a non-giant praying to you. So I’ll just go now.

Nice to talk to you!


Not a Giant Tåke

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