

Hi Malor,

I know it’s been a while, I’ve been praying to other gods. Don’t worry, I will still pray to you so you won’t be lonely. It’s just that if I’m going to be a god one day I should get to know other gods right? What if there’s a God party and I end up the only one standing in a corner alone? Not that it would be different than the gathering my Master dragged me to. Except that was mostly other druids and I didn’t know the words to the songs they were chanting. The drink was really nice though. I think it had mead in it, but it wasn’t in a melon shell. A druidess poured it out of a conch shell, it was really interesting. The shell never emptied, very impressive.

I learned some new shapes! The other day as we were returning to Zildath’s monastery – That’s my pack leader, he’s really interesting for a Blood Hunter – I thought about being a polar bear while I was out hunting rabbits, and I was a polar bear! It was so cool1 I can also turn into a smilodon too! I’m super excited about what else I can do, but we have things we have to do and Zildath is making me check on Elifan’s leg when we get there. It’s such a drag. Sariel says that a lot It’s super neat sounding!

I leaned something sad about Zildath. He hurt himself when he was a small child. Because his clan didn’t like it. That made me sad and super angry at the same time. Sadngry? Angrad? I don’t know but I felt like I wanted to bite someone, so I went outside and punched a lot of things. Mostly the fighting dummies. I was so mad I didn’t even turn into an animal or werewolf. Just regular me punching things. It made me think of all the times I was a little girl and my Master would take us into villages and towns. All the people would hiss and throw things at me, mostly rotten fruit. But it made me hate myself. Like, if I was someone else the people wouldn’t care that I was half elf. But because I look how I look, they hated me. It’s part of the reason I spend so much time shifted. Nobody cares if a wolf is different colors. If a bear is brown or black, people only care which direction it is headed.

Now I’m kind of sad again. I think I’m going to fly around for a bit. The wind across my beak always makes me feel better. I might try to see if I can be a larger sea creature. Maybe a plesiosaur or something. Swimming beside Rezzie is always nice.

I hope you’re having a nice time in your demiplane and it’s not too lonely.

Bye for now,


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